Funny Motherfucker + Guitar Wizard + Indie Kingpin = Gerard Cosloy

But you should, and not just because of the aforementioned awesomeness, but also because he has ANOTHER label, and (gasp!) he's in a band!
That label is parallelism
That band is Air Traffic Controllers
Air Traffic Controllers practice some pretty nice guitar and percussion wierdness that just sort of floats there. Or, to put it in terms you can understand, it's the perfect music for driving around San Francisco in the rain.
They've released five records, the most recent being Whisper Number in 2000, but there's a new line-up (Gerard Cosloy and King Coffey) and they recently played some shows at SXSW. Anyway, I really like Air Traffic Controllers, and in light of the whole noise scene moving in the agro, Wolf Eyes/Hair Police/Dead Machines (basically michigan) direction, I thought it'd be nice to here something a little more innocent. Like twee-noise.
Air Traffic Controllers - The Rise & Fall of the Phnom Penh Rock Scene
Air Traffic Controllers - If That Isn't a Pseudonym, Perhaps You Should Get One
Gerard Cosloy - Sound Projector Rate Card
Best Cosloy quote from the Half Japanese documentary:
"Not everyone aspires to be Bon Jovi, or y'know, Sonic Youth..."